Monday 5 November 2012

Zuri & Safi - 29th October 2012

As always it was fantastic to see these two again. I have much more of a bond with these two then Riziki and Karla, these two recognise my voice and will come up to say hello and so on. Rizi and Karla don't have any of that towards me. 

As usual they came up to say hello, and it was very easy to see how thick their coats are getting as the weather gets colder and colder. Zuri and Safina were using the cold weather as a great excuse for playing around, and even half way through the afternoon, Safina was right up in her tree clibmbing after pigeons! It was absolutely fantastic to watch.

The pair did mate a couple of times, but I doubt anything will come of it at all. Some of the pictures will show them chasing after eachother and even though Zuri is almost a third or so bigger than Safina, she still gives up one hell of a fight!

Safi was in a good mood and a very showy off one too! So she was rolling around on the floor a lot and so on, Zuri was typically Zuri, laid back, cool and calm and a little bit talkative.

So there is not much else to say about these photos, just a usual cold visit to the Zoo. Lions all in good spirits and very active, so I look forward to visiting them more throughout the Winter, and hoping that naturally as it gets colder they may get more and more active during the day time.

I hope you all enjoy the photos and here is a link to the videos that I took on the same visit.

Apologies again for the delay, having been in hospital this week and so on, but from now on everything will be on the day or so that I take it!



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