Monday 5 November 2012

Rizi & Karla - 29th October 2012

My apologies for the delay of these photos! Having been in and out of hospital over the past week (and still yet to go back) I have been unable to get on the blog at all. But nevertheless they are up now.

Just to recap these pictures were taken last Monday (29th October) where I had a short but very pleasant visit to Linton Zoo. All the lions including Rizi and Karla were out and about. When I first went down to see them Riziki was on his platform with Karla running up and down around the enclosure. It was very cold which could explain this behaviour, but she did seem almost hyper compared to her mate.

Riziki is a great poser of a lion, and admittedly he does look fantastic when sat on his platform, it is very hard to gauge how big he looks from these photos, but sat on there, he does look huge, and has to be one of the largest lions in the UK.

I did try to take a couple of photos of Karla, but through the double mesh it is very hard to take decent photos, but here you go!

Just another usual photo post for these two then, and nothing to report both seem to be in perfect health as usual, and their winter coats are starting to grow as the weather continues to get colder. Below is a photo of Riziki sat on his platform where you can maybe try and get to grips with how big he looks. Lions like all cats like to have a high point to survey their territory and just like Zuri favours his hill, Riziki enjoys the same effect from his platform.

I do hope to bring you all more photos as I keep visiting as I recover from my operation over the next couple of months.

Cheers all,


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