Monday 17 September 2012

Facebook Page!

In order to keep Just Lions in the community, and knowing that not everybody has a Google Account I have set up a Just Lions Facebook Page.

This will mean that it will act as a go between, for people to read the blog more directly. All posts will be shared on the Facebook Page in order for people to find them, this does not mean that the blog is not going to be used, in actual fact it means that the blog can be accessed and seen by more people. After all spreading the word of these lions, who are ambassadors of their wild cousins, is going to become a big topic on this blog as it continues. 

I do hope to in the not so near future, to include more educational notes on the behaviour of lions in captivity compared to those in the Wild, as well as more family trees, linking all of the UK lions together on to the blog.

As more people access Just Lions, I hope to make it not just a place to read about and to observe these lions as they go about their daily lives in captivity, but also a resource for learning and for people to share knowledge. As I have said before I am more than happy to answer any questions that people may have about these lions, and if I do not know the answer I would be more than happy to ask around and see what I can find.

There is still so much more that we have to learn about these fantastic creatures, and as I gather notes about what I have seen in zoos, it would be interesting to see what other people have seen in other zoos.

It has taken a huge amount of time to process all my photos onto the blog, as well as all of the information that has gone with it, from lions to the past and to lions of the present. I do hope that the rather personal feel of the blog is one that people are comfortable with, I do get rather attached to these guys, especially the ones at Linton.

Please click on the picture below in order to get linked to the Facebook Page.

Well happy reading everyone, and I hope you like what you have seen and
read so far, and if you have Facebook, then please like the page.

Thanks everyone,


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