Monday 1 October 2012

Message from James

Well Hi everyone!

James here, as I seem to have quite a bit of time on my hands at the moment I am going to use it to my advantage and do a major reshuffle on the blog. This will mainly be revolved around the Meet the lions page, with several places having their own distinctive page, for example;

  • The Woburn Lions will be moved to a page about how the group of lions that this is blog is dedicated to descended from.
  • A page will be dedicated to Linton Lions in Uganda, especially since the news of Zara's first cub born in the Ugandan Wildlife Centre.
Many more ideas are in the pipeline, but these are the two that are currently being worked on. In the very near future I hope to include pages on notes in Lions in Captivity, as well as posting the various studies that I have written in my A level Courseworks that may be of considerable interest to this blog.

Hopefully this will all contribute to make it easier and manageable not only for me, but most importantly for you!

Meanwhile what have I been up to?

Well as you can see from the photo below I visited Whipsnade Zoo last week, as you may know if you saw my photos taken of the lions there. It happened to coinside with their Elephantastic Weekend so for a fiver I managed to feed Donna their baby Asiatic Elephant and for £2 I got a tour around the Elephant facilities, a fantastic idea!

So at least I am getting something of my time off work, however I can't wait to start again after my surgery, but as I have said it is giving me time to write some more things on here, so it can be useful!

Happy reading everyone, and don't forget the new Facebook page. And don't forget too if anyone has anymore questions feel free to comment on any of the posts.



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