Hello there everyone!
I hope you have all had a great Christmas, I have actually been pretty busy this time of year so unfortunately I have had very little visits to zoos. However I did get to Linton last weekend and I do have some pictures for all of you to see which will be posted as soon as possible. But just for you all to see, below is a picture of Zuri from that visit.
You have to admit that he is absolutely magnificent in this photo, he really is a stunning individual, one of the finest in the UK!
I have also heard some fantastic news that Louisa, the daughter of Zuri and Safi born on the 16th May 2009 who now resides at Longleat Safari Park, while her two twin brothers are still at Noahs Ark Zoo Farm at Kent has had cubs! Louisa has had four cubs (two of each gender) along with other lioness Nikita (born at Blackpool Zoo) who has also had four cubs (two of each gender). Here is a link to the Daily Mail and the Longleat website for more details. There will be a post on this news story when I have the time to write it with a lot more information and photos. However meanwhile here is a photo below from the Daily Mail article and does not belong to me.
I am certain that Louisa is the lioness to the right with her head to the side of the camera with Nikita being the one to the left. It is fantastic to see her with her cubs making Zuri and Safi grandparents again!
I will make sure that all photos from my Linton visit and the information and photos regarding Louisa's cubs will be on their own post very soon. I also intend to start the new year with a visit to Whipsnade tomorrow so I will make sure to take many photos for you all to see.
And as always I continue to update and work on the blog to make it easier to use and contain as much information as possible.
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year
Just Lions is the personal blog of a nineteen year old trainee zookeeper with a love and passion for lions. The blog focuses on two African lions "Zuri" and "Safina" resident at Linton Zoo and will share news from their family spread over different Zoos and Safari Parks around the country.

Monday, 31 December 2012
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Having now bought a smart phone for the first time in my life I am now looking at the features that I can use for the blog.
Twitter is something that I have never ever used, however now it is directly linked to my phone I thought I would use it. The Twitter page is my own personal page, but the majority of what I tweet will be linked to as i'm sure you would all think, Lions.
It also allows me to post photos up directly from my phone, so that you can see things straightaway.
Another reason for using a twitter, is that not everyone has a facebook so here is a system for all of you tweeters out there. Click on the photo below to link you to the twitter page.
Friday, 7 December 2012
Paradise Wildlife Park Turkana - 4th December 2012.
I have wanted to visit Paradise Wildlife Park again for some time now, but when I heard about the death of Mana earlier this Summer, talked about in this post. It made me more conscious to get there quickly to see how Turkana was doing.
Unfortunately my camera battery died almost minutes in to my visit, however with my new fancy blackberry phone I took many photos on there of Turkana which I should be able to get onto the internet no problem at all. Below are the three pictures I took of Turkana with my camera.
For those of you who don't know Turkana was born at the zoo on the 1st July 1996. And he lived with his litter mate Mana. Turkana had many hernia operations when he was younger and it was thought that he would not survive to adulthood, however here he is! Sixteen years later age is beggining to show his coat has got rather pale and he does have a slight skin complaint that isn't seeming to bother him too much at the moment. His mane is definately loosing the dark colouring and is in the inside almost as white as the white lions that are at the opposite end of the park. However in behaviour and mobility there is no problem at all, as he was bounding around the enclosure when it was time for food. All of the loss of colour is natural, it is not normal for a lion to live this long, it would be incredibly rare to find a wild lion at this age, so loss of hair and colour is just a natural process of old age. It is also natural for healing to get slower, so scars and sores from his skin complaint will take longer to heal, this again is just a natural process.
Turkana is incredibly well looked after by his devoted keeper Nick Loudon who near enough spent the entire day caring for him. Turkana has a huge hay bed just for himself, as well as his own heater attached to the roof of his house, so with lots of TLC Turkana is going to have a very happy retired life indeed. Turkana does not seem to be too worried about the death of his sister, according to Nick he knew that she had died and he has been coping really well from it, just as long as he has the company of his keeper to see him.
Unfortunately my camera battery died almost minutes in to my visit, however with my new fancy blackberry phone I took many photos on there of Turkana which I should be able to get onto the internet no problem at all. Below are the three pictures I took of Turkana with my camera.
Turkana is compared to the lions at Linton Zoo and other collections, pretty small. Talking to his keeper I learnt that his father Blanco was also a small lion, so it is probably just his genetic make up. However despite his slightly small size you can see that he is perfectly built, he does not have short front legs or anything like that. His mane is not too big or too small, and fits his body quite nicely. He does have a rather long face with a pointy chin compared to some of the more rounder faced lions in the UK at the moment (Riziki for example).
Turkana is incredibly well looked after by his devoted keeper Nick Loudon who near enough spent the entire day caring for him. Turkana has a huge hay bed just for himself, as well as his own heater attached to the roof of his house, so with lots of TLC Turkana is going to have a very happy retired life indeed. Turkana does not seem to be too worried about the death of his sister, according to Nick he knew that she had died and he has been coping really well from it, just as long as he has the company of his keeper to see him.
Turkana is more like the wild lion that you would find in the wild, he is not too big like some of the captive bred lions were bred to be, and he does not suffer from any inbred features, short legs or a stunted appearance. Turkana is a superb lion, doing fantastic for his age. Apart from suffering from a few natural old age processes such as loss of colour and hair and a seperate skin complaint, he is doing perfectly fine.
'T' as he is known will if he keeps going the way he is still have a couple more years atleast left in him, and fingers crossed he will be around for that much longer. Hopefully I will get to see him next year and I will pop round on my days off from work to see him and Nick.
I hope you have all enjoyed reading this post on a very special lion indeed, Turkana was the first lion that I ever saw and even though he is looking a bit old now, he is still fighting on, and has some years still left in him, and there is no doubt at all that his keeper Nick will make sure that he is always in the best of health in his care.
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